Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Troy's IDR

Guidance, support, encouragement, tolerance and acceptance, these are just a few of the things freely offered at Tidal Treasures. Determination, empowerment, self-realization, courage and perseverance are the states of mind they inspire. I am exceptionally proud of Tammy for completing her first 30 mile LD and so thankful to Lynn, Pam and all the others who helped her realize this dream. I have seen things in my wife recently that even after 25 plus years, I did not know were there, she has opened a chapter in her life that can only lead to great things. Shelly was also an inspiration as she led the charge on the 14 mile IDR. A woman who came to the barn just 4 months ago to support her daughter has stumbled onto her own passion and it is clear this adventure will fill many pages of her life book. However, it is not these two amazing women or their exciting journeys that I want to focus on today, it is two slightly younger ladies.
Kathleen is a 14 year old young lady that I have had the good fortune of getting to know over the past few months. She has had her ups and downs as she prepared herself and her mount for the IDR and I have watched her carefully as she has laughed, cried and laughed again. She went out on that trail with a horse that would have challenged many senior riders and she handled it with grace and confidence beyond her years. I looked back and watched the bumpy ride of miss placed steps and constant head swings the side steps and rushed steps and each time I asked the answer was the same, "I'm good". At one point she asked Marie how she was doing and this started a short dialog of them supporting each other and commenting on how good the other was doing, that conversation touched my heart and will be with me forever.
Marie is a 10 year old young lady that I have watched make the transition from her trusty pony Ginger to the not so compliant 30 year old gelding Mister. As time ticked away towards ride day, I witnessed the excitement build in her eyes and was in awe at the progress she had made with Mister. On the morning of the ride, the heat and excitement was a bit more than poor old Mister could handle and when we told her it was better that he skipped the ride, she took a deep breath and said, OK. No tears, no objections, her concern was for her mount and disappointment was not an option, or at least not until she knew he was OK, I almost cried for her and I do not cry. Of course, the only possible course of action was for Lynn to give up her mount Spirit for Marie to ride, I mean its not like your switching from a 30 year old gelding who came out of retirement for a well conditioned mount in his prime with a tonne of action in every step, oh wait, ya it is. On she got and off we went, now don't get me wrong, Marie is a very competent little rider, but when I looked back during the trot and realized she really couldn't reach the stirrups and was posting that huge action with just her legs, I didn't think there was any way she could last the entire ride, I was wrong and not one complaint came from her the entire time.
Kathleen and Marie, I am very proud of both of you. I hope you are aware that you both did an amazing job and your determination and maturity during the ride made me proud to be a member of your riding group. I know that a lot of people helped you get ready and supported you and that without them you would not have made it to the ride, but make no mistake, when you were in that saddle for that 14 miles you were alone and the only person that takes any credit for that is you. Both of your parents have sacrificed more than you will probably ever know to give you this opportunity and you have both embraced it, refused to quit and persevered where many would have failed, CONGRATULATIONS.


  1. Just read this to Marie and she was super-proud to get such accolades from Troy!

  2. Very nicely expressed Troy. There are many moments from that day that I will always remember, but I agree that watching Kathleen and Marie ride and to have shared that experience with them was priceless.


Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches

The Distance Depot

Taylored Tack

Barn Braids

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House

Fiske’s Animal Care Products

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items