Thursday, January 31, 2013

Meet Ali Faataah Na

Fall 2012 found our family looking for a new horse that would suit our needs. We were not in any real rush as winter was approaching, and at the barn there are lots of horses we have grown to love and that we could help and spend time with.

Kathleen had lost heart a bit, and Shelley was not sure that we were really in the market for another horse so soon, but Todd would not give up on the dream of having a horse that the family could all love and ride.

Todd faithfully researched daily, considering all possibilities, not leaving anything over looked. One call led to another, one e-mail sent after another, and nothing came from any of the possibilities he had come up with, and it was looking like maybe we would hold off until winter had passed after all.

But Todd is determined, and on a Tuesday morning, his day off, he went online yet again for one more look. Well what he saw seemed too good to be true. This little fellow looking back at us, appeared to have all we could ever want, and seemed like he would suit our family well, and so  another e-mail was sent off, and waiting began yet again.

When I got home from work that day, Todd showed me a pic of Ali. I could tell he was really excited about this one, something was different. He asked me what I thought, and I thought he looked like Aziim!  When Kathleen got home from school, he showed her also, and her response was the same, "Why are you showing me a pic of Aziim?"

 Calls were made that night-many calls, as Todd tried to arrange a vet check, and a meeting time to go and look at this horse. He was afraid that someone else would get to NB and that Ali would be gone before he had the chance to get there. By the end of the evening he had it arranged that on  Thursday he would go. There was a lot of interest in Ali, but the family who owned him were kind enough to agree to wait for Todd on Thursday.

Well I was not comfortable sending Todd and Kathleen off to look at this cute little guy. Anyone who knows Kathleen, knows she loves EVERY horse she sees!  I was afraid that they were both so excited they may overlook important things-honestly I was not feeling good about that at all. I did not want their excitement to impair their judgement. Thankfully, Carrilee agreed to go along for the trip, and I was able to breathe a little easier.

Just as things seemed to be going well, the phone rang-I was home alone and I saw it was a call from Ali's owners. "Oh no!" I thought something was wrong. But everything was great and I had the nicest chat with the Dad. He was so excited as he had gone onto the blog, and realized that Aziim and Ali were in fact half brothers! They shared the same Father, Ansata El IBriz. I don't know, but after that conversation, it was like this was really meant to be, things just kept falling into place, and before we knew it, they were off to go and see Ali.

Well the rest is history really-the horse trailer pulled into the driveway at Tidal Treasures, and all the horses were excited to welcome the newest kid on the block. We could hear Ali calling out before we ever  saw him! He is a sweet boy, who our family has gotten to know and love over the last few months.

So we are happy-thrilled really, to introduce the newest member of our family,
 Ali Faataah Na
Born July 9, 2004

And now that we have finally introduced him, we plan to continue to share our experiences and stories, because we know that this is a story to be continued...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tammy's Secret

What a dull, dreary day.  It was supposed to be warm today and I was soo looking forward to a nice, warm day.  Well, technically I suppose it was warm, but it was also very damp, windy and plain miserable.  Instead of lifting my spirits; today's weather drew me down into that miserable winter feeling; like it was a day to be "endured" instead of "lived"  Hate those kinds of days.  Add a bit of a cold/flu feeling and you've got one miserable little Lynnie.  Yep, that was my day.

Tonight, with the energy of a flea, I decided to weed out some of my videos and clean up my computer - when I came across this little gem.  I've seen the video before but never listened to the words.  It's pretty funny - came just at the right time.  Basically, it is the end of a long competitive day and the adults are sitting around catching their breath while the kids start cleaning tack for the next day.  Actually, most of us are sitting around...Pam (who didn't even ride that day) is sprawled right out in the grass.  Anyway, I digress.  The video starts with Tammy revealing a secret about her horse experience and I poke fun at her.  Mistake -- cause Little Brother Troy ain't going to let me get away with that.  Of course, then Pam has to add her two cents in (she doesn't bother to situp mind you, just adds in while she's lying there!).  All in fun.  I miss these weekends terribly on days like this. Can't wait for more of them.

Tammy's Secret (video link)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Last Weekend in January.

The "EYES" have it - Paris

Gosh I love coming back to a  warm, tidy house, with a beautiful sunset in the big window at the end of a fun but tiring afternoon at the barn.  Feel very "cozy" and fulfilled; pleased with myself for my achievements and content to sit back and relax.  It always feels better to sit back and relax if you've worked for it.

Pam rode her very first mile on Adios Tiki today!  Actually we went 1.75 miles in 45 minutes, in the indoor..Pam/Tiki and Me/Paris.  Not a blistering speed; but hey you've got to start somewhere.  Paris was excellent.  When I was riding her earlier in the fall, she was getting to be a bit of a nuisance about the pressure on her face so when I started her up again this time, I spent a month lunging her in the surcingle and it paid off head tossing and her back felt "stronger" as I was riding her.  Today, I put her in cross ties and left her there beside Khol for about 15-20 minutes.  She was so good about it.

We put a saddle on Khol and lunged him for a bit in the arena.  It's only the third time this tall handsome 3 year old has had a saddle on his back.  He went --  What is this on my back?!  Oh, wait a that hay??? and it was over; the hay far more important than whatever was on his back!

It feels like Pam and I are back where we were many years ago.....riding Summer and Willow for hours in the arena in the dead of winter, mostly walking and trotting, getting ready for the spring.  I've got that funny "full circle" feeling today - and it feels great because I already know this time...what can happen next!

Short Video of Khol

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Willow and Her Sled

Moving manure is not the easiest aspect of horsekeeping. One day while pushing the wheelbarrow through snow I caught a glimpse of Mister & Willow munching their hay and smiling at me. Hmmmph, I thought - YOU guys should be moving this manure, not me.
I picked Willow 'cause she tends to get fat and I thought she might like it.
Hahahahaha! She did NOT like it, I wish I had video but it was waaay too exciting to try and work a camera. It was one of the first really cold days, it was almost dark and there were pulp trucks and tractors still driving nearby. She was UP! She jumped, she blew, she ran, she tossed her head and held her tail waaay up like a full-blooded Arabian. And I had no treats, just some giggles and laughs and pats when she was calm. We played with the sled for a half hour or so and called it a day.
For the next "session" I chose a better day - warmer than it had been, not windy - and a better TIME of day - in the early afternoon when she was all full & sleepy & happy.
I don't know if she long-lines or not and that's where I likely should have started but I'm guessing she's done that with Lynn and I do NOT know how. But I DO know that while riding her we can pull a log - behind her and even holding the rope so it crosses over her rump, and in front of her while she's backing away - so I asked Marie to help us.
First, I pulled the sled as I walked beside them, talking and feeding treats as she handled each new angle. Then I hooked a leadline to the sled so Marie could hold it, the sled bumping along behind them again changing directions so Willow could see it behind her in different places. She did just fine!
There were still distractions: the ground is hard with icy patches, Mister had hay in the barn so she was missing a meal and Leland had his tractor going just out of sight but nearby which made loud "POP!!"s and rumbles. These noises plus the sight and sound of the sled caused Mister to scramble loudly in the barn and SHOOT out into the paddock to see what he could see.
Didn't bother Willow. She was lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely. We even got out a bale of hay for her to feel some weight on the sled. I really wanted to get on but thought the 35lb bale of hay was a kinder ask just now!
Willow and the Sled - Part one
Willow and the Sled - Part two
And then Mister was Ok with it all, even helping me with the hay:
Mister's Weight Control Program
An excellent horsey day, much progress made and fun, fun, fun!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Willow and Marie

A little video from November of riding that Marie really shouldn't have been doing with Willow but I filmed instead of stopping them. When I first went out I watched them doing a beautiful canter around the barn so I went for my iPod. When I came back, they had picked up speed. Mister should have been in the pasture, not loose where they were riding and Marie shouldn't have been cantering so close to the barn at that speed. She did figure that out for herself when she banged her knee later on the corner of the barn behind Mister. 
Both Willow and Marie found this to be exciting fun! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

A 3 Hour Tour....(Gilligan's Island)

Did not PLAN on walking 5 miles today, in the snow, with a horse beside just happened.  Wish I could say it wasn't my fault, but it sort of was ... Anyway, next thing we knew we were way at the end of Lelands ...'one step at a time"  Yikes.

A Three Hour Tour Video

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Warm Winter Weekend In January

It was wonderful to have a warm weekend (Between +1 and +8 C). Saturday was sunny and relatively warm.  Sunday was cloudy and very warm.  We spent the weekend riding/training the young ones as usual.  AND we also managed to get out in the fields and trails on a few of the horses!

On Saturday, we rode Spirit and Ali around the big field for a couple of hours and then after Duckie and Max joined us, up Lelands we went!  Total mileage was somewhere between 8 and 10 miles.  The horses were really fresh; quite a handful...oh the fun!

On Sunday morning, I went up Lelands again (on Spirit) with Max and Duckie.  We had a great canter....probably a solid couple of miles!!! It felt sooo good!  Then, Sunday afternoon...Pam showed up and before you know it, we had her saddled up and riding Adios!  First time in a saddle and trotting. Caught a bit of it on video along with other highlights of the weekend: (Yep, there's a typo in the video)
January Weekend Video

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter Weekend on the Farm

Back to our normal winter routine..... playing with my new video software/hardware.....
Winter Weekend Video Link

Friday, January 4, 2013

Pam Rides Adios!

Pam should have an easy time remembering the first time she ever really rode on Adios (not including one other short on again off again experience) - it was on New Year's Day!  She got on him bareback and I led her around for a while.  The video doesn't show it, but eventually, we geared up the lead line to the halter and she also steered her little stead!

You may want to listen to this video while you are watching; the peanut gallery adds extra entertainment value.  At the beginning, Tammy makes a naughty, naughty suggestion (she's joking) , then further on someone reminds Pam to breath....then someone actually takes a deep, deep breath!  Demonstrating how to breath?? Not sure!  Congrats Pam!

Pam Rides Adios - Video Link

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Troy Training!"

The video shows it further explanation needed.  (Paris and Aziim)

Troy Training

Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches

The Distance Depot

Taylored Tack

Barn Braids

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House

Fiske’s Animal Care Products

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items