Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Well, the other day Summer and I were left alone (everyone else went to Stanley for a training ride, and I had prior committments that would have to see me leave the barn before they returned) so... we went up Leland's Road by ourselves. Well - what a great ride - once Summer got over the fact that no - all the other horses were NOT in the upper field like she had thought!

Our avereage was no faster that our other solo ride up Leland's (5 mph), but what a difference in attitude! We had a nice easy, slow trot with casual canters and little strolls mixed in. We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and our ride together! WoooHooo!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you are getting this alone time with Summer and enjoying each other on the trail in a whole new way.


Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches www.sayitwithstitches.ca

The Distance Depot www.thedistancedepot.com

Taylored Tack www.tayloredtack.com

Barn Braids http://custombarnbraids.webs.com/

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House http://www.frediesfantasticfish.com/

Fiske’s Animal Care Products www.fiskes.ca

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items