Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzard Day

Today is blizzard day! We knew it was coming so put lots of hay in the barn from the hay building and made sure we had extra buckets with water in the house in case we lost power. We only have about 100 gallons of water in the tank, so I take out some warm/hot to "stretch" that. Hubby carried the buckets this morning.
Went out this morning in -11C with 80km winds, approximately, to find them standing with their faces looking outside - Mister's was covered in snow! I put their breakfast dishes outside without asking them to "back!" first. Willow gave me such a long, straight "back!" yesterday and I wasn't thrilled to stand in that icy wind for very long!
They still had lots of hay and one bucket of water with a skim of ice. Switched out the icy bucket for a new one & poured hot water to melt the skim in the other one. Scraped some manure and wet hay off to the side & put out more hay. Clean-up will wait until tomorrow!
I looked out at them every so often but couldn't see them through that blowing snow - they were happily hiding inside with their hay.
Went out a couple hours later to find Willow wanting to play and trying in vain to coerce ole Mister into joining her. I'd like to call what she does a "rear" but it's the most cute little pop, really. A roll the snow and a barely noticeable snake of the head was all she could get from him!
Maybe she'll get him going later...

I've been suspicious of our fence charger lately, Mister has been standing closer to the fence than he usually does. He is one who keeps well clear of that fence! At the end of this short video I could see Willow hold her head over the fence - so that just about confirms that there's little or no power there!!


  1. This blizzard didn't bother them did it? Willow wanted to play. Those little hops were cute, and Mister just looked at her like, "Are you kidding me?" They are so sweet together.

  2. No, not bothering them at all - happy to stay in and eat then come out for a bit. I'm not "worried" about them anymore - I have adjusted! Whew!! I'm starting to relax & enjoy more! Them inhaling each others' breath was very sweet to see.


Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches

The Distance Depot

Taylored Tack

Barn Braids

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House

Fiske’s Animal Care Products

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items