Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update on Me and Ali

Ali and I have come a long way since we got him. He had very little muscle when we got him, so I spent the winter learning how to help him get into shape. I learned that I had to be patient and that lunging can be boring and cold in the winter, but it pays off in the end.

I took him to the outdoor when it was not slippery.
The boring stuff has turned into more fun stuff once spring came. I now ride him on the property myself and across from the barn on Leland's road myself, and I love it.
Ali and I entered our first competition in May, the 25 mile SAD ride- it was a goal I was proud to reach. This ride was difficult because it was his first ride, and I found he had a lot of energy built up, but out on the trails he was a dream.
We also rode together in the Parrsbaro JP ride, and are training now for the McDonald run ride coming up in a few weeks.
We don't always train and work, we have fun too.
Me and Ali built a strong relationship and trust in each other, which is sometimes hard to do with a horse. I know that as we keep working together we will learn and teach each other more, and become unstoppable!


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Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches www.sayitwithstitches.ca

The Distance Depot www.thedistancedepot.com

Taylored Tack www.tayloredtack.com

Barn Braids http://custombarnbraids.webs.com/

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House http://www.frediesfantasticfish.com/

Fiske’s Animal Care Products www.fiskes.ca

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items