OK, I want to chronicle Paris' journey as she goes from being a young, not ridden Arabian, soaking up the sun and playing with her pals ...to (hopefully) an endurance rider. Thing is....there is little time for these types of "documenting" and I keep putting it off...but this is it.
Paris is four now. I rode her in the fall and then pretty much let her be all winter. About a month ago, she would not let the farrier shoe her. This was an anomaly. She is usually great for the farrier. So, I figured it would pass. Eight days ago, I put her in cross ties to prepare her for next farrier visit (tomorrow) and ...NO WAY JOSE! Well, a decision had to be made, daily work with her or throw her out in the field for another few months. I bit the bullet and have handled her/worked with her/lunged her and RIDDEN her 15 miles this week!!! Paris is a pasture ornament no more. I've taken her out in three, 5 mile intervals, with trusty experienced horses. First time she was a dream. Second time, not so much...lots of head tossing. Tonight, I took her out in side pull and still lots of head tossing. I realized that if I rode her western...no pressure whatsoever, head tossing almost gone. If I picked up both reins, even with the side pull (honest to God, she is carrying "sensitive" a little too far), her steps got shorter, and the head tossing began. I am probably going to put a very light surcingle on her and lunge her so she can understand that a little bit of pressure is ok. Good news is it's not specifically "the bit"
She is fairly calm on the trail. I let her "spook" when she needs to, So far I have managed to stay calm, laugh or joke a little, line her back up and proceed....seems to be be working. Tried to get her to lead once, did not go so well. Will try that again in a few weeks. Paris' home page isn't set up yet, but I'll try to set something up soon. Happy Trails - Be Safe
We like to ride everywhere from a nice trail walk along the beach to training and competing in a 50 mile endurance ride.
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Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012
Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:
Say it with Stitches www.sayitwithstitches.ca
The Distance Depot www.thedistancedepot.com
Taylored Tack www.tayloredtack.com
Barn Braids http://custombarnbraids.webs.com/
Fredie's Fantastic Fish House http://www.frediesfantasticfish.com/
Fiske’s Animal Care Products www.fiskes.ca
Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots
Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber
Pam Thornton made a financial contribution
Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items
Welcome to the world of Arabs!!! Each day will bring you a new adventure, because of course you know the day before when you spent all that time getting her to do something....she will toss that beautiful head and blink those long lashes and look at you and say "what is it you want me to do mommy?" Hehehehehe Enjoy Lynn, because once they bond to you...they will do anything you ask!!