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Standing in the cross-ties after he took the bit, "GOOD BOY!" That brow band stayed crooked for a while! |
Today, Tidal Treasures was practically empty. Marie and I went with Lianne to look at a very nice pony, so she missed the group training ride. It did sound very exciting - woods and hills, different from the flat roads we usually ride. But Marie committed to checking out Dobbin for the up-and-coming horsemen here, so she was very happy to oblige. Hopefully, there will be more to say about that later as Dobbin is one awesome pony!
So we went down later and Marie rode Mister while I did a few chores. She put Mister in a stall and stood by while I "caught" Aziim. He came right over and dipped his nose into his halter, so I can hardly call that a "catch"! I had forgotten how his pasture mate, Paris, is so accommodating when she realizes she is staying behind. I just asked her to stay back and she did. What a good girl! and that means she's all by herself, too.
Into the barn we went, closing the doors "just in case". Cleaned his feet and put on his bridle, bit attached. That's quite a feat for me, as he does not really care for the bit so much yet. I left it attached and fed treats and waited for him to take it; which he did - that wonderful grown-up boy. Kept his head down for the over-one-ear part and there it stayed for quite awhile! Bit in, bridle hanging on just one ear. Oh, my! A few more treats, waiting, and lots of "GOOD BOY!!s" later and it was on. Whew!
Some brushing and the little English saddle from upstairs. I don't think he cares much for that saddle. It only stayed on until we got to the outdoor with Marie and Mister. It just felt like he wanted it off. So, off it came. Bareback it is. But only for ten minutes or so - at a walk. He watched Mister and was happy enough but felt a bit like he was "ready to go!" or maybe just a bit nervous, probably because I was likely a bit nervous!
When Aziim & I followed Mister & Marie to the outdoor arena, I often stopped, turned, backed up, and walked very slowly. Aziim did everything I did with hardly any complaint, even though he could see his friend, Mister, getting farther and farther away. He didn't care for the turns away, but he did them without arguing. Not once did he push me. More "GOOD BOY!'s!
I had the bit in because: 1. he and I need the practice and, 2. I couldn't find his side-pull. I am not happy to ride him in a bit much, yet, because when/if he scoots I am not adept at responding softly. I'm sure my hand will "yank up" even though I want to give it and then smoothly circle him until he's fine again. I do NOT want to yank that nice boy. Even when he is afraid of something, he doesn't go far and, almost immediately, goes to investigate. I don't want to wreck THAT by fussing with his face!
We lunged some on the longish lead line. He hasn't done that well for me yet so today I was really pleased to "get it"! We had fun doing that until he was going well both ways, slowed to a walk from trot when asked and we worked on staying put at "whoa" instead of turning in. That went pretty well, I think he's understanding what I'm asking - for today, anyway.
My favourite game was "OH-MY-GOD-IT'S-A-SNAKE!!!". We played this after a break of clearing some tasty greenery from the arena when we went to Scary Corner. The same lunge line we used earlier suddenly looked, to Aziim, so much like a snake that it made me laugh out loud! We played there, doing the same as earlier until that snake was gone and the line reappeared. He heard a million "GOOD BOY!"s.
When Marie wanted to take Mister back "all by herself", we let that be an exercise for Aziim. He watched his buddy leave the arena without him. There he was. All alone. With just that woman. Oh, man!! All that nice boy did was give one head shake to express his displeasure. I backed him up, let him watch Mister go and then back to snacking. More "GOOD BOY!!"s.
His play with me over until next time, off to Paris he went and this day is added to the other fabulous days that I've had with Aziim.
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