My name is Aziim El Ibriz and this is my story. I am an Egyptian Arabian and was born on this day, 12 April 2007. I was named Aziim which is a derivative of Azim meaning "Protector and Defender" The extra I in my name is associated with "Great" and as such I am named, "Great Protector".

I was born at El Ibriz stables operated by Nancy Bourque (that is her hand holding me below). My parents were Ansata El Ibriz and Nasula and their parents were Ansata Halim Shah, Ansata Rebecca, Rofann and Naufara.Although I was happy in my barn, one day a tall bald guy walked into the barn and I wanted him to be my human so I nudged him in the back while he was looking at my uncle. He didn't respond so I nudged him again and when he turned around, I looked way up with my big bright eyes and said, "excuse me mister could you take me home". He didn't appear to understand horse talk, but he understood the look and the next thing I knew I was flying down the highway behind his truck.
This is me my first little while in my new home, it seemed a bit small, but so was I and my servant came twice a day with food and I was warm, loved and happy.
Then one day they took me out and put me in the big scary pond and this is me looking over my new kingdom at the ripe age of two. I wanted to make sure everyone knew where to bring the food and of course who was in charge so I stood here for a long time. Then when I realized that the big horses were staying out of my space because of the fences between us and not the fear of my manliness I had to slightly adjust my attitude. Of course this was not before tearing down many fences and, ok I may have crashed through a door or three, but fortunately I did not have to turn around and kick some butt.
This is me at three and I am very aware of how good looking I am. I sometimes have my trainer walk me around the arena to help him understand how royalty needs to be treated, but for the most part life is sweet just lounging around eating and sleeping.
Things have taken a turn for the worse; suddenly he is putting one of those things on me that I see on the help. I am not sure why because nobody gets on top of it, but I am very disgusted to be getting the same apparel as those big worker horses.

This is me at four strutting my stuff in the outdoor arena, what a beautiful view and the ocean looks nice too.
This year I am the help, but it is OK because I am making some really nice new friends and enjoying all the love and friendship that Tidal Treasures has to offer. My little sister went and got her leg cut so I miss running with her, but she will be back soon cause her servant takes really good care of her and would never let her be hurt for long.
Aziim Fun with Marie and Her Dad
The Real Deal
More Beach Day Photos
Riding Aziim
Aziim 4
Aziim Lately
Aziim 3
Aziim 2
Aziim 1
2012 04 Kathleen and Aziim