Thursday, May 31, 2012

Too Beautiful not to share...

"Reality always begins with a dream...
Make reality happen!"

Caddy and Khol
May 2012

Squealing at the Chiropractor and Machine Guns

Yesterday we enjoyed the visit of Bruce, an equine chiropractor. He treated a few of the Distance athletes: Summer, Spirit, and Caddy as well as Willow and Paris. Bruce was very open to all our questions and has a really gentle, calm way with the horses.
And he brought two of his co-workers with him,  a Burnese Mountain Dog and a NS Duck Tolling Retriever - my two favourite breeds. We could have kept him there for hours, probably an issue he has to deal with daily!

Willow has conformation that isn't top-notch (neither do I!) so I hoped it might be good for her. She was the funniest patient in the barn - she was vocal and not shy about squealing her annoyance at the downward hip-area adjustments. I was not happy with this at first as I was worried she might be too rude to Bruce, but he was ready for her. She really enjoyed the rest, however, especially the tail stretch which Bruce was kind enough to teach me. I'd seen it done by the others, but I was afraid I'd hurt her doing it myself. Bruce showed me how to match the angle of her tail bone, wrap her tail around my hand, bring up the slack and let her pull into it. Lynn must have done that with her thousands of times as she instantly pulled into that tail stretch for Bruce. I'm looking forward to doing this for her. She was the best at showing her neck flexion.

He also made time for Paris, who was a real star, especially considering this was her first time. She stood well with her best friend, Lynn, throughout Bruce's treatment and really enjoyed meeting the dogs too.

Paris also asked me to relay (in her own words) this unfortunate occurrence she was forced to endure shortly before her appointment with Bruce:

"While I was exploring the indoor, patiently waiting my turn, I was practically attacked by blades of grass hitting the outside wall as the mower went by!! It must be what machine-gun-fire sounds like, I tell you! Gary could be on my "naughty list" for that one, but I do so appreciate everything he does for me, so he's forgiven. Thankfully, a human heard the commotion of my flying Arab hooves and came in. I ran right over to tell her all about it and asked for a nice brushing, please, to help me relax. As usual around here, she complied with my wish and I thoroughly enjoyed that brushing as I composed myself. She told me that I was very brave and was mightily impressed with 1. my quick recovery and, 2. looking to the human for reassurance.
She assured me these are excellent traits in a much-treasured endurance horse so I am very proud of myself!" - Paris

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's been happening since the Mud Run...

Well there has been so much buzz around this Mud Run, now what?  I've been enjoying reading everyone's accounts of the weekend, and looking back at all the pics and videos brings back the great memories and feelings of those two incredible days.

This past weekend Tammy and Wind, Lynn and Spirit, Pam and Summer, and Kathleen and Caddy along with Troy, Todd and I, loaded up and headed out for some training with lots of hills. It was supposed to rain, but it held off nicely. Everyone did great, and I'm told that those hills will make for some nice butt muscles! Although I didn't ride, I enjoyed walking some of those hills, and taking some pics and videos for the others to look back at.

Last night I had a great ride in the outdoor arena with Spirit. I have been practicing keeping him nicely out on the rail, (which he knows how to do, but he knows I'm new and likes to challenge me sometimes and make me work a bit for it-he knows I'm not Lynn! :) also I've been thinking about contact and leg pressure, and have been doing some trotting without the reins to work on my balance and core. It was a beautiful evening, and Spirit gave me just enough to think about.

I'm looking forward to continuing to be challenged-little challenges, and some bigger challenges too, that's how I learn best!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Thank you Seth and Ronan for the delicious GINGER cookies!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mister's Visit

I had Mister up at my house today and he had a lot of fun eating all the long grass and running around the pasture. Mama also gave me a rein extender so when Mister puts his head down to eat grass I don't fly forward.
I even took him up Leland's road a little ways, up to the apple tree. And then we crossed the field so Mister could eat in the shade at the apple tree.
I let him go in the paddock for a little while to cool down and dry off. I even took Mister into the barn and into the stalls and he seemed to like it. He did not want to stay in the stall, though, he wanted to go back home.
We had a lot of fun today and we're going to do it again tomorrow.

The happy pair in Marie's pasture, they'd just spent some time cantering.



Aziim 4

Standing in the cross-ties after he took the bit, "GOOD BOY!" That brow band stayed crooked for a while!

Today, Tidal Treasures was practically empty. Marie and I went with Lianne to look at a very nice pony, so she missed the group training ride. It did sound very exciting - woods and hills, different from the flat roads we usually ride. But Marie committed to checking out Dobbin for the up-and-coming horsemen here, so she was very happy to oblige. Hopefully, there will be more to say about that later as Dobbin is one awesome pony!
So we went down later and Marie rode Mister while I did a few chores. She put Mister in a stall and stood by while I "caught" Aziim. He came right over and dipped his nose into his halter, so I can hardly call that a "catch"! I had forgotten how his pasture mate, Paris, is so accommodating when she realizes she is staying behind. I just asked her to stay back and she did. What a good girl! and that means she's all by herself, too.
Into the barn we went, closing the doors "just in case". Cleaned his feet and put on his bridle, bit attached. That's quite a feat for me, as he does not really care for the bit so much yet. I left it attached and fed treats and waited for him to take it; which he did - that wonderful grown-up boy. Kept his head down for the over-one-ear part and there it stayed for quite awhile! Bit in, bridle hanging on just one ear. Oh, my! A few more treats, waiting, and lots of "GOOD BOY!!s" later and it was on. Whew!
Some brushing and the little English saddle from upstairs. I don't think he cares much for that saddle. It only stayed on until we got to the outdoor with Marie and Mister. It just felt like he wanted it off. So, off it came. Bareback it is. But only for ten minutes or so - at a walk. He watched Mister and was happy enough but felt a bit like he was "ready to go!" or maybe just a bit nervous, probably because I was likely a bit nervous!
When Aziim & I followed Mister & Marie to the outdoor arena, I often stopped, turned, backed up, and walked very slowly. Aziim did everything I did with hardly any complaint, even though he could see his friend, Mister, getting farther and farther away. He didn't care for the turns away, but he did them without arguing. Not once did he push me. More "GOOD BOY!'s!
I had the bit in because: 1. he and I need the practice and, 2. I couldn't find his side-pull. I am not happy to ride him in a bit much, yet, because when/if he scoots I am not adept at responding softly. I'm sure my hand will "yank up" even though I want to give it and then smoothly circle him until he's fine again. I do NOT want to yank that nice boy. Even when he is afraid of something, he doesn't go far and, almost immediately, goes to investigate. I don't want to wreck THAT by fussing with his face!
We lunged some on the longish lead line. He hasn't done that well for me yet so today I was really pleased to "get it"! We had fun doing that until he was going well both ways, slowed to a walk from trot when asked and we worked on staying put at "whoa" instead of turning in. That went pretty well, I think he's understanding what I'm asking - for today, anyway.
My favourite game was "OH-MY-GOD-IT'S-A-SNAKE!!!". We played this after a break of clearing some tasty greenery from the arena when we went to Scary Corner. The same lunge line we used earlier suddenly looked, to Aziim, so much like a snake that it made me laugh out loud! We played there, doing the same as earlier until that snake was gone and the line reappeared. He heard a million "GOOD BOY!"s.
When Marie wanted to take Mister back "all by herself", we let that be an exercise for Aziim. He watched his buddy leave the arena without him. There he was. All alone. With just that woman. Oh, man!! All that nice boy did was give one head shake to express his displeasure. I backed him up, let him watch Mister go and then back to snacking. More "GOOD BOY!!"s.
His play with me over until next time, off to Paris he went and this day is added to the other fabulous days that I've had with Aziim.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Aziim Lately

Just a short note to say that I have not been neglecting Aziim during all this excitement over the IDR and endurance conditioning.
I see him almost every day, at least 5 times in the week. I always stop to give him a scrub, his neck at the very top seems to be a favourite spot. Sometimes he's very, very busy with pressing grazing and ignores me so sometimes I ignore him back and keep going - occasionally this makes him change his mind and he comes over.  I toss his ball and often he finds it and takes it. If someone is there to hold his lead line, I clean his feet. He still doesn't like me to touch his ears but doesn't mind me straightening out his forelock after putting on his halter. He usually dips his nose for the halter, which is nice.
 Kathleen and I had him in the cross ties a couple of times and he's very good there. She has a neat trick of holding his jaw up if he raises his head slightly rudely, he seems to get her point! He still doesn't care for taking the bit but he doesn't seem to mind as much as he did. Lynn is pretty swift at it.
Yesterday, he was nibbly - taking the lead line between his teeth - at first I told him no, but then I switched to "go ahead" and " by the way, since it's there anyway, why don't we put it at your bars?" So while he thought about what was going on (cute and curious and mouthing the line, thinking - no arguing) he was getting lots of "mouth attention". He didn't nibble on the lead line today when Marie held him for me while he received his pedicure. May be coincidence, who knows?
I'm really enjoying this interesting boy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

From the Heart
A few days ago, I was sitting, sipping on a glass of wine and reading Face book with a big smile on my face. The Tidal Treasures Crew had just completed the first competition of the season - The Mud Run in Stanley, NS. It consisted of a 30 mile LD (Limited Distance) on Sayurday and a 14 mile IDR (Interoductory Distance Ride) on Sunday. I was enjoying looking at all the pictures, comments and vidio clips of our weekend - a FIRST for many of us in so many ways - and I was moved to add my own comment. This is what I posted to Facebook - in retrospect, I should have posted it here, so I have copied it over.

All your pictures are great - thank you very much for sharing them. I had just the most wonderful weekend. Saturday I rode with my best friend, who is always there to encourage, help, tease, push and guide not only me, but everyone she comes in contact with. You inspire me every day. I am so glad I found you.... My other riding partner on Saturday is a woman I barely recognize as the same person I met. She has worked incredibly hard to turn her dream into reality. A city girl who liked the idea of riding a horse, but didn't like dirt and didn't know how to do anything for herself has become a confident, knowledgeable, independent distance rider who truly has a special bond with her mount. You have come such a long way - you also inspire me.

Sunday was incredible because I was able to share in seeing 3 new riders complete their first distance ride. After all the work, training, and sacrifices they made - to see their very tired, but beaming faces after they completed the ride - how can that be anything but inspiring. I am SO lucky to be part of it.
Thank you.

Troy's IDR

Guidance, support, encouragement, tolerance and acceptance, these are just a few of the things freely offered at Tidal Treasures. Determination, empowerment, self-realization, courage and perseverance are the states of mind they inspire. I am exceptionally proud of Tammy for completing her first 30 mile LD and so thankful to Lynn, Pam and all the others who helped her realize this dream. I have seen things in my wife recently that even after 25 plus years, I did not know were there, she has opened a chapter in her life that can only lead to great things. Shelly was also an inspiration as she led the charge on the 14 mile IDR. A woman who came to the barn just 4 months ago to support her daughter has stumbled onto her own passion and it is clear this adventure will fill many pages of her life book. However, it is not these two amazing women or their exciting journeys that I want to focus on today, it is two slightly younger ladies.
Kathleen is a 14 year old young lady that I have had the good fortune of getting to know over the past few months. She has had her ups and downs as she prepared herself and her mount for the IDR and I have watched her carefully as she has laughed, cried and laughed again. She went out on that trail with a horse that would have challenged many senior riders and she handled it with grace and confidence beyond her years. I looked back and watched the bumpy ride of miss placed steps and constant head swings the side steps and rushed steps and each time I asked the answer was the same, "I'm good". At one point she asked Marie how she was doing and this started a short dialog of them supporting each other and commenting on how good the other was doing, that conversation touched my heart and will be with me forever.
Marie is a 10 year old young lady that I have watched make the transition from her trusty pony Ginger to the not so compliant 30 year old gelding Mister. As time ticked away towards ride day, I witnessed the excitement build in her eyes and was in awe at the progress she had made with Mister. On the morning of the ride, the heat and excitement was a bit more than poor old Mister could handle and when we told her it was better that he skipped the ride, she took a deep breath and said, OK. No tears, no objections, her concern was for her mount and disappointment was not an option, or at least not until she knew he was OK, I almost cried for her and I do not cry. Of course, the only possible course of action was for Lynn to give up her mount Spirit for Marie to ride, I mean its not like your switching from a 30 year old gelding who came out of retirement for a well conditioned mount in his prime with a tonne of action in every step, oh wait, ya it is. On she got and off we went, now don't get me wrong, Marie is a very competent little rider, but when I looked back during the trot and realized she really couldn't reach the stirrups and was posting that huge action with just her legs, I didn't think there was any way she could last the entire ride, I was wrong and not one complaint came from her the entire time.
Kathleen and Marie, I am very proud of both of you. I hope you are aware that you both did an amazing job and your determination and maturity during the ride made me proud to be a member of your riding group. I know that a lot of people helped you get ready and supported you and that without them you would not have made it to the ride, but make no mistake, when you were in that saddle for that 14 miles you were alone and the only person that takes any credit for that is you. Both of your parents have sacrificed more than you will probably ever know to give you this opportunity and you have both embraced it, refused to quit and persevered where many would have failed, CONGRATULATIONS.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mud Run- IDR Shelley's Story-the whole thing! :)

Well the day had finally arrived, and I was excited but a bit nervous too. Kathleen was up and ready before I was, which NEVER happens. We were rolling out our driveway by 6:00am, and headed to the barn to meet up with everyone and to get this day started!

 Pam helped me with getting Summer in the trailer as I have never done this before, so it is one more of the many things I still need to learn.

Pam has been so wonderful to me. She has shared her knowledge with me, shared her horse, Summer, and even her gear so that I could have this opportunity to ride. It amazes me that she trusts me with her horse having known me for such little time, and knowing that I have only a few months of experience and learning under my belt at this point, but that is just one of the magical things that happens at Tidal Treasures. All of the people there care and look out for each other, it feels like I've known them for much longer than it really has been.  I am very grateful to Pam for all her help and guidance, and her part in allowing me to have this experience.-Thank you Pam!

Gary is someone I always look forward to seeing when I visit the barn. He has a very quiet and kind way and I very much appreciate and enjoy his sense of humor. It is our little chats and laughs that lighten my load, and make me smile after sometimes long and stressful days. Gary always makes you feel welcome and at home, and it is because of that, that I felt comfortable and relaxed enough to get on those horses and try!Gary and his behind the scenes efforts, that often go unnoticed,( or so he may think),  have also allowed me to grow and learn and get to the point where I was able to pull out of that driveway, on my way to my first ride, and there he was with that smile that warms your heart, waving us off. -Thank-you Gary!

We arrived in Stanley, to a parking lot full of lots of riders and their horses, and my nerves started to kick in. How did I get here with all these people who know and have a lot more experience than I do???  What had I gotten myself into??? The trot out was one thing that I had been worrying about, but when the time came, Tammy quietly came up behind me and told me I would do fine, and I smiled and took a deep breath, and off I went. Thankfully Summer has done this before, and that made my job much easier-and it really was nothing to worry about after all!

After the trot out it was back to get tacked up. I still look at the bit and everything and get a little confused sometimes. I have to take an extra minute to look at and figure out the way it all goes, but I am doing it!

Troy rode with Kathleen, Marie and I. Lynn was also planning to be there with us 3 newbies and help deal with any problems that may arise, but there was a change in plans last minute, and it ended up that Troy would be the only experienced adult with us. I was worried that if things didn't go as planned out on the trail that he would have his hands full, but Tammy said he is the best multi-tasker she knows, and that it would all be fine, and it was. Troy has also been a huge part in seeing that not only myself, but also that Kathleen and Caddy would be ready for this ride. He put in lots of time and laps with Caddy getting her into shape. He also gave me opportunities to ride Wind, and Aziim, and has answered many questions, done lots of planning, and done most of it with little sleep and lots of coffee. He has never made me feel that any question I may have had was a silly one, and took time to show me how to get the bit into the horses mouth-lots of little lessons and opportunities that got me to this day. We rode at a slower pace than Troy enjoys, but he made the day comfortable and enjoyable for the girls and I, and assured us that he was having as much fun as we were, and you know what- I believe him! -Thank-you Troy!

Finally the training, planning, trot-out and tacking up was all behind me-I was in the saddle, which is where I feel the best, and I was ready to go! The nerves were wearing off, and I was excited to start this ride!

We are off to start our 14 mile ride.

It was very hot and dusty, not a lot of mud to be found on the mud run! My favorite part of the ride was going through Phinny ( I am sure that is not spelled right), the trail gets narrow and the trees are close. It is beautiful there. Troy paced our ride and made sure we were able to trot through that spot, and I loved it!

After a great start to our ride, despite the heat and occasional moose flies, we arrived at the half-way point where just the day before we worked as pit crew, making sure water and food were ready for both the humans and the horses-today we were on the other side of things.

At the half-way point, we had 20 minutes to sponge down the horses, offer them water and food, and then get a drink and quick bite ourselves. For this ride, as the riders we had to do everything ourselves. The day before we were able to cool down and hold the horses for the riders to offer them a break-the only break we had was to run into the woods and water a bush if need be! :)

I had really enjoyed the first half of our ride, seeing others along the trail, seeing glimpses of Lynn and Carrilee at different spots trying to capture bits of our day for us to look back on, and I was really feeling good at that point, and very much looking forward to getting back in the saddle and heading out to finish the ride.

Before we could head out, the horses had to have their pulses checked and recorded. Once that was done, we were given the OK to head back out.

The second half of the ride was just as enjoyable for me as the first was. At the marker that said "5 miles to go, Troy said for the girls to give him a woo hoo!" I teased them that their woo hoo was kind of pathetic, and so we challenged them at every mile marker after that. But as each of their "woo hoos" got better, I realized with mixed emotions that it meant we were nearly done.  I hated to see it come to an end, but before I knew it, there we were trotting towards the little one lane bridge that meant we were indeed nearly done our first distance ride, an IDR of 14 miles.

Once we had crossed the finish line, and had a little celebration of "woo hoos", we still were not done, we had to sponge down the horses and have their pulses checked again. Summer made me laugh, she did not drink from the water bucket on the trailer that she could easily reach, instead, she stretched for the cooler water in the buckets on the ground that were there to cool her down.

We had to do one last trot out. This was to compare the condition Summer was in now that the ride was over, to how she was at the beginning of the day, before her 14 mile ride, and then we were officially done! 

The riders- Troy, Kathleen, myself and Marie.

Marie has been a joy to watch through this whole process.  She has risen to many challenges, and done so with a smile. Her determination has driven me to be determined also. Thank you Marie for your part in helping me get to this day!

And look at this pit crew! Carrilee has been there every step of the way. She always tells me what I'm doing well, and gives me advice on things to try and think about. She will be out there riding the trails with us very soon! Thank you Carrilee.

Tammy has proven that hard work and determination can be the wind beneath your feet that will guide your path to success. She reached a goal the day before, finishing her 30 mile ride, on a horse that she proudly owns. I have learned so much watching her journey. Thank you Tammy for your kind words of encouragement, and for guiding me to this day!

And Lynn, well words can never express my thanks to her for all she has done. We spent many hours in the barn over the winter, and she patiently taught and had faith in me, and that helped me to have faith in myself. We have come a long way from that cold winter evening when she gave me a try on Spirit, asking me for a little trot, while she ran beside us to make sure I didn't hurt myself! I laugh now thinking of her running beside me asking if I was ever coming down, and then when I did said OK maybe her heart would start beating again. Lynn planned rides that I could take part in, and has given me every opportunity to ride and learn that she possibly could, and she did it because she wanted to. Lynn is a great inspiration to me. Thank you Lynn!

And Todd, well he believed in me before I believed in myself. He said to me a few months back, that if I didn't start riding some, I would be left behind. That did it for me, because I wanted to ride, but was shy and a bit reluctant to put myself out there and try. He ran around getting things ready for Kathleen and I, and worked so hard being pit crew on both days, and never once did he complain or wish he was riding, He was happy to see Kathleen and I do this, and he was right where he wanted to be. I know he too will be riding these trails soon! Thank you Todd for always believing in me, and encouraging me and giving me the push I often need.

And how could I not acknowledge Summer, she had taken me many miles on the trails, let me experience my first canter, and guided me along this ride, also a first. She has taught me a lot.

My final thanks goes to my daughter, Kathleen. It was her love for horses, that led me to realize my love for horses. I feel so blessed to have shared this experience with her, and was so proud of her and Caddy on their ride. She has worked hard, and was determined to be ready for this mud run and to have Caddy ready also. I can't wait to see what she and Caddy will do in the rides to come, and will continue to be her biggest fan. I love you! Thank you for opening my eyes to something new, and helping me along the way.

Well there, that is my story. A wonderful weekend of meeting new people and experienceing new things. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I have a feeling that the best is yet to come!

Mud Run IDR - 2nd Half of the Ride

Video clips of the second half - enjoy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

MudRun IDR, First part of the day OMG!

Mud Run IDR was a debut ride for 3 of our crew, Shelley, Kathleen and Marie.  We've been training and planning and training and planning..... Come the day of the big event, we were a bit worried as Summer and Spirit both had a bit of a stiff back.  This is not unusual with distance horses but it seems to be a bit more of an issue for us this year than it has in a while.  I was concerned that the judge wouldn't let us ride the IDR if their backs were stiff. I couldn't remember if it was "OK" if their back was a little stiff or if it was not allowed.  (I know that 14 miles at 4 mph would not harm the horses, so I wasn't worried about the horses.)  It turned out that the judge was in informed individual in the sport of distance riding, and understood that after just having completed 30 miles the previous day, it was not unexpected if they had a  stiff muscle or two.  Whew, I thought, this is great we are all set to go.....well not so fast has a way of offering up a twist.

As we were tacking up, the sun came out and beat down on us.  There was no breeze.  It was hot.  We sponged the horses off to keep them cool while we waited for the other 25 horses to get vetted in.  |As it got hotter, someone said it me "Lynn, Mister is panting."  I looked over and our 31 year old gelding, who had been training for this event for 2 months and performing like a real trooper, head bent in the hot sun and panting quite heavily.  Oh oh...oh oh.   Took his heart rate...up and down.  First ok, then not ok, then ok....whoops not ok....wait, it's seems ok. etc.  Went through this for about 5 minutes and I  knew it was not going to the day for Mister's reintroduction to distance riding.  My mind was racing.  There was NO way our little Marie (10 years old) was missing the action of this day.  But what... how were we going to accomplish this?  I looked over at my trusty steed Kindred Spirit.  He looked...tired...relaxed and oh yeah his back was a bit stiff.  Hmmmm I thought to myself.  He looks pretty mellow.  Hmmm I thought to myself.  He has a chain on his bit that is seldom used but effective when needed.  I looked at the tiny little frame of 10 year old Marie...compared it to the well-muscled body of this 1000 pound athlete and made a decision that would only be done in a time of utter desperation and heat delirium.  I looked a Troy and said "Spirit?"  He knew exactly what I was talking about and, with the same look of desperation in his eyes that I was feeling in my stomach, said "Yes, definitely."  We looked at Marie's mother, who trusts us with utter surrender (poor, misguided woman) and mentioned the idea as matter of factly as possible...and she agreed.  We approached Marie (who I think would have rode any horse in  the parking lot before giving up the chance to compete) and she was all for it.  So, after a 5 minute lesson in riding Spirit, we changed up the roster and sent that child out for her debut ride!  God rest our souls. Consequently, I have no video and few pictures of the beginning of this ride....I spent most of the first half spying on them from a distance and in a state of partial cardiac arrest.  By the time they made it to half way, under the outstanding guidance of Troy, master wrangler at Tidal Treasures Stables, I relaxed and the pictures/videos began to pour out.  Enjoy this first clip.  It is a bunch of outtakes from half way.  We had to reduce the quality to get the 2.5 minutes in as one, but you get the gist of it.  What a great day!  What great team!  Lots more stories to come.

Marie and Mister IDR

The 2012 Mud Run for which Marie had been conditioning Mister happened on Sunday, May 20/12. It started out with a ton of hustle and bustle at the barn at 6:15am Sunday morning, after a full day of pit crewing for the LD riders. Mister was his usual "full of beans, raring-to-go self" and was interested in all the goings-on around him. He loaded like the old pro he is and arrived at the site unfazed. Marie was shown how to tie him to the trailer by Todd and taught by Pam how to braid a green ribbon into his long black tail. There was almost always a camera taking pictures or video of their activity.
Mister was number five in the group of riders so she had her pre-ride exam early on. She groomed him and had fresh water & hay, thanks to Pam, for him to eat while she fussed over him. When it was time for his exam, she untied him and walked with Lynn/Spirit, Kathleen/Caddy, Troy/Wind and Shelley/Summer to wait their turn.
He stood pretty well for Mel to check him over, a 31 year old Canadian held by this 10 year old. Not sure exactly how he rated, but he was fit enough to proceed after his trot-out. Wooohooo! Off to tack up!
Mister's pre-ride exam
After Mister's pre-ride exam
Marie grooming Mister before tacking up
Mister had been working with Marie since December after a week or so of ground work. He was happy to play with her and they played almost every day, even if it was not a riding day. He was ready! and so was she. He taught her to ride a forward horse after she learned her balance and horsemanship by riding Lynn & Gary's rock-solid Shetland pony, Ginger. Mister was always ready to go, as if he didn't realize he was an elderly gentleman. He only needed to be asked by her to trot or canter and he complied unless he was done for the day when he was treated to a nice groom and some treats. She was thrilled to be "training Mister up for the Mud Run" and he was happy to oblige. His energy and willingness surprised everyone but Marie.
Back at the trailer the temperature was rising, not typical for this ride - often it is raining, thus the name! This turned out to be bad news for Mister. Shortly after the sun started hitting him, he started to pant. This instantly raised the alarm for the Tidal Treasures team who all mobilized to treat Mister. We got him into some shade, Pam and Shelley and Todd rolled out the awning on Pam's trailer. His heart rate was monitored. He was sponged down all over. He was loved. He cooled down and started taking treats and bits of hay again. Mama stayed with Mister while Pam and the others offered kind words and hugs. (and later a nice cold beer - thanks Tammy!).
Decision to pull him from the ride was made and call made to Gary to please bring a trailer to take Mister home. Marie took that decision with maturity beyond her ten years. Mister is more important to her than her ride, she didn't once say, with tears in her eyes, "...but I want to ride Mister...". And I know she felt that.
What to do now with Marie? Shelley offers her mount, Summer. Can she ride Spirit? Check with Mama. Lynn and Troy look to Mama and Mama says she can ride Spirit. He took Lynn 30 miles the day before and even though that boy is a jet engine, he is kind and sensible. And Mama knows that Marie can ride.
Off Lynn goes with Marie and Spirit to have a practice ride - quite a feat with thirty riders registered for the IDR and parking lot full to overflowing! They come back determined and Troy had a quiet word with Mama about how he'd watch out for her. It's an amazing feeling to know that your child is in the best hands and not worry about her safety. It must be rare, maybe - it certainly is special. Off they go with Troy/Wind, leading three riders riding their very first IDR: Shelley/Summer, Kathleen/Caddy and Marie/Spirit. They all completed their ride and the junior riders worked hard to earn their 1st and 2nd place Junior Rider prizes for Condition and Trail.
Marie would not have been able to ride Spirit if Mister hadn't taught her to ride a forward horse.  It turns out that Marie wasn't training Mister for the ride - Mister was training her.
Sometime in this commotion, I think I heard someone say, "That girl has Spirit, in more ways than one!"
It also turns out that the S on Marie's t-shirt that day didn't stand for Super girl - it was for the Spirit she was riding. And the spirit within Marie.
Marie's IDR on Spirit, thanks to Mister
IDR finish
Thank you so much, Mister, you are loved more than you know.
Marie and Mister waiting their turn at pre-ride exam.

Marie on Spirit with Lynn, after their quick practice ride.

Proud and happy Marie and Lynn. 

Kathleen and Marie at Half Way!

The girls conquered the Mud Run Introductory Ride in Stanley on Sunday!!!!   Look out people, endurance riders coming through!  Their voices say "tired and sore" but their expressions imply "Bring IT ON"!  Will post more pictures and videos later today.

Mud Run-LD, Stanley, May 19th

TT riders!

Lynn and Spirit.

Pam and Summer.

Tammy and HER horse, Wind.

And they are off to start their 30 mile ride!

Riding along the train tracks.

Todd and Troy, part of the pit crew team. Troy is giving Todd directions to the ravine. :)

Marie, Carrilee, and Kathleen, another part of the pit crew team for the day. They are showing the Tidal Treasure team braclets that Kathleen made for the ladies in our group. She wants Gary, Troy and Todd  not to worry, their's are coming soon!

Todd heading to the Ravine- poor Todd got lost and drove around for an hour or so trying to find it. No reception on the cell phones left him in quite a spot. He saw some people on 4 wheelers and asked them, but they had never heard of the place, so he knew at that point he was no where near where he needed to be. In the end, despite his efforts, he missed the girls at that spot. Even though he missed out on seeing a lot of the riders that day, he returned to us with a smile, and kept helping out where needed!

Kathleen and Marie, heading to another spot on the trail to offer water and to sponge off horses as they come through.

Elwood and the girls at the Half -way point.  He was telling them to watch out that the tadpoles here have big teeth and bite! :)

The girls worked hard, but they did find time to chill out a bit and have fun.  Kathleen tried to convince Marie that maybe if she kissed the tadpole eggs, they'd all turn into princes someday!

Getting ready to get lots of water for the horses at the half-way point. They didn't know at the time that these buckets are stuck for life and don't come apart! :)

Hauling water from the lake. (by the way-I was part of the pit crew too, I was just behind the camera a lot-we worked too didn't we Carrilee? :)

We all were waiting for the first glimpse of our riders at the half-way point, and then we could see them coming off in the distance-and we were ready for them!

Lynn and Spirit at half-way.

Pam and Summer at half-way

Tammy at half-way sharing the excitement of the first half of her ride with the girls!

And they are off to finish the ride!

to be continued....
Lynn you will have to post pics from the 2nd half as they are on your memory card! :)

We Did It!

Well, WE DID IT! and by we, I mean Wind and I, Troy, Lynn, Pam, Shelley, Todd, Kathleen, Marie, Carrilee and Gary and so many of the wonderful people who are as addicted to this as we are and ACTRA members.  I went through every emotion possible and everyone was there for me through it all. I'm so proud of myself and Wind and none of it could even have been accomplished without all of your support and encouragement along the way and God love that horse, even when I was tired and not so balanced and constantly changing gaits because my body just couldn't take it any more, he carried me home, not acting out or seeming frustrated and believe me it wasn't just Wind who didn't act frustrated when I had my moments of exhaustion, frustration and all carried me home and I will be forever grateful and humbled by your support and constant encouragement. I am going to keep striving for those dreams, to make each try better than last. More training to come for our next 25 mile LD in PEI.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kathleen and Caddy getting ready for the big day!

Tonight Kathleen lunged Caddy in the outside arena. Caddy was very calm and moved beautifully.

They also practiced the trott-out.

                                           And then they had some quiet time grooming.


Khol is always glad when we return Caddy to him.
Beautiful evening- we are getting excited for the weekend!

Getting Ready

I have been cleaning up Mister's tack and I just finished his saddle pad and
I'm still taking hair off me! I also cleaned his bit and cinch, it's hard but it will
definitely be worth it at the end and I have also been getting myself ready by
getting sunscreen and bug spray and washing my barn clothes.
It has been fun doing it too. Mama helped.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kathleen and Caddy Part 2

Had trouble posting this (know why now), so it isn't as "pretty" as the earlier one, but wanted to get it up before the ride!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kathleen and Caddy, Part 1

Sound isn't great...but manageable..same story as Marie's interview...had to use helmet cam.  Could not upload the entire interview so cut it in two.  Will post the second haf tomorrow.

Cantering Caddy!

Well in my last post I ended by saying that once me and Caddy get started, we arent slowing down-well we got started tonight and let me tell ya we didn't slow down!

Lynn and Spirit, Mom and Summer, and me and Caddy were planning to go on a nice slow and steady trail ride, with a bit of trotting, but we were trottong along and then Summer and Spirit who were ahead of me and Caddy, went up into a canter and then Caddy went up into a canter like it was nothing! I gave her her head and took all my leg pressure off and let her go as far as she wanted to and her canter was sooo smooth! Ive been waiting for this moment for a really long time. Lynn always told me that it would come naturally and she would go into it naturally when she was ready, and that it would be enjoyable, and she was right! At the end of the road we let the horses eat grass.. I was so happy it brought tears to my eyes. On the way back Caddy led the way and went through the puddles like it was nothing. We trotted up a little hill when we were still in the lead, and then I let Lynn take over the front. Then we came to a bigger hill. Lynn started off at a trott, and then she went up into a canter,a nd Caddy did too. This time she went into a fast canter. It was really comfortable and smooth until she went into race horse mode, and I said to Lynn that maybe she should come down now, and she said "I'm trying". She started pacing not just a little lazy pace, but a race horse pace. SHe pinned her ears back and made up her mind that she was going to pass Spirit no matter what. She paced on past him like it was nothin and then she was gone! We flew!  When we finally came down it took a couple of minutes to get her down she didnt give me any arguing the whole ride. She didnt try to turn around even when we stopped, she went through the puddles she was bomb proof.

Back at the barn Lynn told me that she was going to need to get a rearview mirror to keep an eye on me and Caddy. I said "Well you're gonna get a rear view, but you won't need a mirror to see it!" Gary smiled and said "Yes she'll probably need a dust mask."

It was an awesome ride! It was the ride Ive been waiting for!

Me and Caddy

I feel like me and Caddy are getting closer and closer everyday, we have thhis connection that its like im talking to a person. Sometimes i even expect her to talk back because i talk to her so naturaly sometimes i forget she is a horse....and she cant talk. I can get really frusteraited with her, and she gets frusteraited with me too. but like all bestfriends we always make up. I think the IDR will be awsome, caddy is so ready, and i am too. We will make an unstopable team. Lynn and Troy better watch out, cause once me and caddy get started we arnt slowin down! <3

Wind: 2012 Last Official Training Day!

Last official training day. Just me and my boy out on the trail. Beautiful Saturday morning. We stopped to say good morning to Leland, which Wind took to mean that we were done so he was able to go home. I quickly reminded him that he was not done and turned him around to continue down the road. I really enjoy these outings, as it gives me and Wind some time to figure it out on our own and just enjoy each other's company. He is a star for the most part. Sometimes he gets a little anxious and speeds up, but he responds to my cues to slows down (secretly there is a part of me that just wants to let him open up and go like the...pardon the pun...Wind). I know I will get there. We completed our 5 mile solo run at 8 mph and then I spent most of the rest of the day helping with trail marking for the Mud Run....less than a week away. At this point, I can't really say how I feel. I am back and forth between calm and ready, to feeling my heart race and becoming anxious. My top priority is Wind's well being. I don't in any way expect to place. I just want to get Wind and myself through in one piece and hopefully he will pulse down within the required time and we will have a completion, but I'm trying to not even focus on a completion and more a learning experience. One more step on the road to Wind and I solidifying our team, not just as one team, but as members of the Tidal Treasures team too. Everyone helping and encouraging, all in different stages of our journey. Happy Trails my friends. See you out there and best of luck.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Mud Run is coming FAST!

Well in a week the Mud Run will be behind us. I am sure we will all have lots of stories and experiences to share at that time.

Right now I am starting to feel the nerves kick in a bit at the realization of how close we are to the big day. I am excited, but nervous too. I am not 100 percent sure what horse I will be riding, so I can't really wrap my brain around or set my mind to that piece of this adventure yet. I am not the youngest rider age wise ( 10 year old Marie has ridden tons more than I have), but I am the newest rider-so that brings with it some uncertainty too. I have only just mastered tacking up the horse myself-bit and all, and even now I sometimes am not sure if I have it all right-but there is always someone around to make sure things are as they should be. I know the day will be a great learning experience-and once I am in the saddle and on the trail, I will be fine.

Sometimes when I am riding I still wonder how I ever got from sitting in a chair and watching Kathleen ride-to sitting in the saddle and riding along with her-but am I ever glad it happened!

Meet our Youngest/Oldest Team ..Marie and Mister

Marie and Mister are interviewed prior to their distance riding debut.  Unfortunately, the video equipment wasn't working and so we used the helmet will have to turn up your volume a bit to hear Marie, and the wind drowns her out a few times..We will be careful to have proper equipment during her post-ride interview!

Tidal T Crew Puts up the markers for Big Run
Here is some video to go along with the story below!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Marking the trail for the Mud Run!

The Mud Run is coming up fast, so today the Tidal Treasure Crew headed out to Stanley in three trucks to mark the trail. May 19th is the 30 mile LD, and on the 20th it is the 14 mile IDR. We all worked together to get the job done with lots of pink and yellow ribbon-and lots of laughs too!

Pam and Lynn and I walked a couple of miles to mark a section of the trail, and then rode in the truck to get the rest of our job done. Here Lynn is reaching over a ditch filled with water, when Pam reached out to hold her by her back pockets to offer her that extra bit of support. We are all about supporting each other as needed! :)

Gary and Todd rode together and marked the section they were given to do.

Todd reaching for that perfect spot to tie his ribbon.

Gary getting the job done!

Troy, Tammy, Carillee, Kathleen and Marie rode in the third truck marking their section of the trail. We didn't really see them much-so I have no pics of their group at work.

There were some muddy spots and puddles that I must admit were fun to drive through. It was an overcast day, with showers off and on, but we worked as a team, and got the trail all marked and ready for next weekend!

Sponsors for the Autumn Run 2012

Tidal Treasures Stables, along with Lucy and Elwood, are grateful for the generous sponsorship from the following and we encourage ACTRA riders and family to support them:

Say it with Stitches

The Distance Depot

Taylored Tack

Barn Braids

Fredie's Fantastic Fish House

Fiske’s Animal Care Products

Falmouth Farm Market donated a 50lb bag of carrots

Bits and Bridles Tack shop donated a 40lb bag of HF/HFiber

Pam Thornton made a financial contribution

Sherry Brooks donated Distance Depot items