1. A memorable moment/experience: There are so many, but one that really sticks out in my mind is the day of my ride, shared with a big horse with an even bigger heart, his little Arab sidekick and of course my companion, my support, my strength, my best friend, Troy. I have to say that this day was probably the most challenging ride I have ever done and the heat was way beyond what I consider my comfort zone and my comfort zone is a lot cooler than most people can relate to. I was nervous of all the unknowns and most of all I was wondering if Wind could handle the heat. I don't have a lot of experience yet in managing his needs during the longer rides, especially in the heat and his well being is always my first concern...so much so that I had considered not even doing this ride. The whole group came together to help both of us get through. Troy and I had an amazing crew and when we didn't have crew between pit stops and halfway, Troy and Wind and Aziim were my strength and my courage. I couldn't get to that memorable experience without explaining all of that first, so now the moment. We came around a corner, headed for our first pit stop and there they were, my own little cheering section. They hooted and hollered and jumped up and down, they played empowering music, they took care of me and my horse above and beyond the call of duty. I was overwhelmed to the point of tears. It was exhilarating and humbling all at the same time and it will stay in my heart forever.
2. Someone interesting you met: So many interesting, knowledgeable, warmhearted and funny people, including Garnet Gallant and Art King, but I have to also mention Maggie and Henry, two Bernese Mountain dogs. I really enjoyed their daily visits and of course I made sure they would by having homemade dog biscuits on hand. I looked forward to seeing them every day and it always brought a huge smile to my face
3. Something awesome you learned: I guess this was more of a reminder, but even when conditions are not ideal in life, you have to take a deep breath and live it anyway. In most cases, you learn more of what you're made of and you end up with a sense of pride and accomplishment and an experience you wouldn't trade for the world and you wonder why you ever hesitated.
4. Something you did not expect: Wind's reaction to the bridge. He is usually pretty good in most cases, not a big spooker and a pretty good leader and he scared me on that bridge to the point of getting off, not that my nerves were any help.
5. Something funny that happened: Sneaking up on Shelley is really, really fun!!
6. Something you learned about yourself: I can handle more than I think I can.
7. Something you would like to forget: How hard it was to keep my feet clean. The area was sandy and that mixed with fly spray and sunscreen....frustrating. I may be cowgirl tough, but I prefer to be city girl clean!
8. Something you would do differently next time: Take a deep breath and let it go.
9. Favourite experience or spot on the trail: The first couple of miles through canopy ceiling and pine needle covered floor. Amazing way to start and end a ride. Those boys just sailed on through like they were on clouds. It was breathtaking!!
10. Something you found challenging: Definitely the heat. It was like a vacation in its own just to get in the car to go somewhere with the air conditioning on.
11. A piece of advice you got: Thank you to Roy for the tip on Jockey Cap. Great little restaurant, good food, and wonderfully refreshing ice cold ice coffee.
12: Closing statement: This week in Maine came with lots of challenges and things to overcome, but more importantly it came with pride, joy, commitment, support and friendship and yet again a shared experience with my loving and supportive husband, and my equine partner, strong and brave and willing and most of the TT family (Gary, Marie, and Carrilee, you were missed). My heart is full and overflowing.
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