We went site seeing, whale watching, boating, did a cruise, hiked, walked, ATE!, drank, sun bathed, shopped, saw a live volcano from a helicopter, swam, visited a coffee & a coco plantation, surfed Waikiki beach (just to name a few of our activities)... and while my hubby golfed, I went horseback riding!
The most memorable ride was a 5 hour afternoon ride up into Kalihiwai
Ridge in the mountains of Kaua’i (the most northerly of the main Hawaiian Islands), which is also known as the "Garden Island" - and you will see why they call it that in just a bit!
The weather was overcast and cool –
about 73° F – perfect for riding – and there were only 3 of us, including the
guide. NICE! This ride was not for novices, as the trails were narrow, steep, and there were areas of trotting and cantering.
Mahina – my mount - which means “Moon” in Hawaiian. He is an Arab cross (don’t know what
with), about 12 years old and simply a sweetheart. He certainly enjoyed his
job, listened extremely well and was very comfortable to ride. The other 2 horses in the company were
another Arab cross and a Quarter horse.
After having a quick demo on
“Rusty” – a very old steel drum strung up on what looked like even older rope
... we proceeded to mount up and get used to each other in a grassed round pen.
Then it was up a very steep
driveway, through the gate and down a short, quiet street to the road that lead
to the forest reserve.
As we moved along, the dirt road
quickly became a lovely path,
and it wasn’t long before we got
our first glimpse of Kalihiwai Ridge! Beautiful!!
Myself and Mahina |
As we got deeper into the
reserve, we got deeper into the forest –
And the trail became much steeper
... but the views became
We also traveled through a Eucaleptus grove. The bark
on these trees continuously peels and the air smeals faintly of Vicks!
At about the halfway mark, we took a break – we had been on
our horses for roughly 2.5 hours by now and travelled about 5 miles. (oh to have had my GPS with me!) We grabbed a snack, stretched our legs and
just sat and took in the incredible view!
And then it was back in the saddle
and on the trail again. There were parts
of the trail I would have sworn were part of the Tevis ... sometimes there were
steep drop-offs on one side,

and sometimes there were steep
drop-offs on both sides!!
But all too quickly it seemed, we
were on our way back, and the incredible ride was finished.
But the day itself wasn’t quite
over ... as I was waiting for my hubby to finish his game of golf and come pick
me up, I got to watch the horses being fed –
My guide – a wonderful young
woman named Kati, was also the ranch hand, and with the help of an aged pony,
and wild chickens, got the feed ready for the horses. Yes – these are wild
chickens – they are protected by the state, so you are not allowed to kill them, and you see them
EVERYWHERE on the island. They also make themselves right at home – even
helping themselves to the grain. They
don’t even wait until the horses are finished – they just hop right into the
feed tub while they are eating!!
It was the funniest thing! The little pony was the best though ... he had learned to pick up his feed tub in his teeth, shake it to dislodge the chicken - without spilling a drop of grain!
With age - there is wisdom! What a great, great day!
Wow Pam-Beautiful! Looks like a ride to remember! Love the pic of the chicken and horse enjoying supper together-too cute!