We had our first snow today for this winter. I'm home sick with a nasty cold and so I decided to play around with some new software Santa is bringing me (relax Santa, I just did some test driving..it's back under the tree)
Radar, our cat, was sitting home with me, listening to me moan about my stuffy nose and sore throat. She did not like the snow. Now that it's colder, she goes out into the porch and sits on top of the old organ. There are three empty baskets on top of the organ and she likes to nestle into the middle one. Always the middle one. She had her eye on that snow and was not impressed, so I took out my new phone and took some video, then I tried to put it together on my new computer. Now I'm playing around with a new blogger software , so it's pot lock as to whether or not it will actually get posted. Hope it does; it's cute! Now, back to my hot magic bag and pillow.
Nope - not there yet!