Well I had little help with that today because the sun came out and it always gives me such an amazing lift. But I took what she said to heart and re-introduced myself to my grateful journal. Today, I thought I'd "picture" some of my grateful thoughts. So here goes:
Sunshine (on a cloudy day!)
My wild rose bush and the old bird house. Not a well-kept bush, but I love it to pieces. The blooms start now...and go for most of the summer. The blooms are one of the farm's first signals that summer has started.
Wild roses, (lilacs have the same effect) for immediate uplift (if your name is Lynn Beazley) So grateful to be able to see these right from my window...
and....low tide. It makes me pause and marvel at everything. (Hey look...you can see the rosebush and the birdhouse in bottom left hand corner)! This is not a complete low tide....maybe 1/4 of the way out. Our shoreline is actually "famous" for having the worlds's lowest tides.
Anyhow, this whole "down" versus "up" thing left me remembering a little fable I've read a few times and it provides a visual for me to tie into Jeannie's simple/yet difficult, and wise comment:

Have a great weekend everyone! Hope you manage to figure out what feeds your Good Wolf!
Your friend Jeannie sounds like a very wise woman! It is so important to pause and be grateful for the people and things in our life that bring us joy-too often life gets so busy, we don't pause to reflect on all the beauty and good around us! Love your pics!